Interview of Parents Questions and Answers: Complete Guide

Parents interview questions and answers

Interview of parents is a serious concern for many parents as Every parent wants their child to get admission in best school but the selection process may go through the interview of parents and definitely, you do not want to ruin this process with your silly mistakes during an interview with the principal.

Definitely, you are preparing but need some more guidance to appear in an interview with the school principal. Well, we are sharing some Parents Interview Guide tips which you should definitely consider in an interview with the school principal. Through this article, you will also get an idea about the questions asked in an interview by the principal.

Parents Interview Guide

Be on Time

We all have heard the first impression is the last impression so avoid getting late. This shows that you are not punctual or you might not care about this Interview. You should know that at this season, schools are very busy in taking interview of parents and they do not have time to wait for a single candidate. But unfortunately, you got an urgent work due to some unavoidable reason then make sure to inform them through a call. Seeing your courteous behavior and responsibility, they will reschedule your interview which is suitable for you and school both.

At the time of the interview, make sure to thanks them for understanding your problem and rescheduling the interview, it’s a part of courtesy.

Do Not Talk about your Status

Nobody wants to know about your social status or your wealth so never try to impress them with your lavish lifestyle or fame in the society. You may find some schools which will get impressed with your wealth and accept the admission of your child based on your donation giving capability but trust me the motive of such schools can never be a good education.

They can only give a bookish knowledge to your child but the life skills can be beyond their capacity.  

Don’t Compare them with Other Schools

You might be curious to know about the school facilities but comparing them with other schools may not be a good option. If you seem to be demanded then they may avoid your child admission as they are already doing best according to them and advising them on their part of service can be irritating and frustrating. So, never compare them with other schools on the Parents Interview session.

Avoid being over Friendly

Sometimes parents got a good impression in front of principal and teachers which can be ruin being over friendly. Nobody is interested in knowing your family background or your daily schedule and also they don’t want you to ask about them also. A simple handshake or politely thanking them is enough to show your respect.

Also read: How to Choose a School for Your Child in India

Parents Interview Questions and Answers

Interview with Parents Questions and answers you should prepare for:

Q1. May I Know your Name?

Ans. You need to tell your name and your spouse name like “Myself Rajesh Sharma and she is my wife Nidhi Sharma”  

Q2. Your Child’s Name?

Ans. Next Question maybe your son’s name which you should communicate or either help your child in telling them.

Q3. Can you tell us something about your child?

Ans. You should tell them about the general habits of your child like what his/her likes and dislikes or whether he/she is ready to come to school. If not, then school administration have to work hard or one of the parents have to stay with your child for some time.

Q4. Does your Child has an aggressive nature of hitting or biting others?

Ans. A very general question asked for the playschool admission interview. Many early age child seems to suffer from this habit. You should start with the positive qualities of your child and then tell them about whether he has or not such habit.

Q4. Tell me something about yourself also?

Ans. They may ask very general things about yourself. Like your education and your professional and how could you help your child in his growth towards future. Parents education has a great impact on his development unless they are not giving him proper time.

Q5. Are you living in Joint or Nuclear Family?

Ans. Don’t be surprised, this is very general question asked in interviews nowadays. Actually, schools are a concern if both the parents are working and living in a nuclear family then how will they give time to their child. If both the parents are working, joint family is good but if you are not living in a joint family then parents should properly devote time to their child.

They may also want to know if both the parents are working then who will take the responsibility of child’s daily routine like school timings, transport, daily homework, parents teacher meetings etc. Before appearing in an interview you will have to properly plan that how would you deal with all such situations.

Q6. Is your child comfortable with leaving without you?

Ans. For the playgroup class admissions, teachers might be curious to know whether your child is trained enough to spent such hours without you. If not, then you have to mention this clearly as some modern schools nowadays offers one of the parents to come to school with their child to provide them a friendly atmosphere.

Q7. What are the eating habits of your Child?

Ans. Well, your child to going to spend enough time in a school so they have to take this into consideration what are the eating habits of your child. It’s become their responsibility.  Is your child fussy regards to eating, if yes then you should definitely talk to them and mention this thing clearly.

Q8. Have you given proper vaccinations to your child?

Ans. As you will not be available with your child so it’s become teacher’s responsibility to take care of your child properly. If they are aware of your child’s vaccination and past medical problems they will look after your child more carefully and take care of his eating regime or allergies. So, honestly tell them about every medical problem with your child.

Q9. How is your relationship going on?

Ans. They may also ask about your marriage and relationship. Like “Have you frequent arguments at your home and does it impact your child?” You can understand their point as a child can nurture completely if he/she got a peaceful atmosphere around him. Well, I personally advise stating your problems with the principal, if any you are facing at home. And try to give a peaceful atmosphere to your child.

Q10. What have you decided about your Child’s Future?

Ans. They may also seem to ask you about your plans for your child future. The question may surprise you a bit that how can we decide about the child’s future so early. But you may at least discuss the preschool or high school plans with them which you have decided.

I hope you found this article helpful for the interview with your Principal. All the best for your child’s admission.

So these were some of the Interview of the parent’s questions and proper answers to them. We hope this parents Interview Guide would be helpful for you to let your child get admission in the best School!

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