Fun and Amazing Science Facts for Students and Kids That You Need to Know

Science Facts for Kids

Today we are presenting amazing science facts for students and kids, which they must know. For example, why does the Moon disappear during the day? How does the rain come from clouds? Kids asked hundreds of such questions! They are curious to know the answers, which seem to them as a mystery. So, instead of becoming irritated or loud at them, you should answer them calmly.

Not everything is science, neither is it magic, and this is only the parents and teachers, who can tell them at a very early age. However, if you are looking for ways to make your kids smarter, these science facts are useful. The more your child will ask and get curious about things, the more he will learn. That’s the reason why you should read more science facts for students and kids and tell them also. In school, there should be separate classes or workshops to teach children these amazing science facts.

These are some stunning and funny facts of science that kids should know. Some of the basic facts about science and technology are given below, which you should teach your child.

Science Facts for Students and Kids

Facts About Earth

amazing facts about earth for students

  • The Moon cannot only be seen at night. Many children ask this question! At some specific location relative to the Earth and the Sun, the Moon can also be seen in the daytime. During the day, the Moon will appear white or grey because of the sunlight it reflects.
  • 70% of the Earth is covered by water. This is an amazing science fact for students and kids that makes them crazy. Tell them more about our ocean bodies, and they will love to hear all of this.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system which supports life. No planet other than Earth has an atmosphere where humans can survive. Yes, we are trying to establish life on Mars, but it will take many more years.

Animal Facts for Kids

Animals themselves are amazing beings. They often show unique and sometimes very unusual behaviour, and you might wonder to hear some science facts about animals.

amazing facts about butterflies for childrens

  • Rabbits and parrots can see behind themselves without moving their heads! An interesting science fact for students and kids that equally amazes them.
  • Butterflies eat their food by standing on top of it! Unlike humans, their feet work like their taste receptors.
  • The fingerprints of a koala are the same as humans that are often confused at a crime scene.
  • Slugs have four noses.
  • Another science fact for students is that elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
  • A rhinoceros’ horn is made of hair.
  • It takes a sloth two weeks to digest its food.
  • Approx. 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
  • Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.
  • The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain.
  • Frogs cannot vomit. If one has to do so, it will vomit its entire stomach.

Interesting facts about the Sun

science facts for students about sun

  • The Sun doesn’t disappear at night. The Earth is a giant sphere that is spinning. The Sun shines on the Earth all the time; the side of the Earth-facing towards the Sun, will undergo daylight while the side, away from the Sun, experiences night.
  • The Sun is a star, and it is positioned at the center of the Solar System. Unlike other stars, the Sun brightens with its shine. This is among the most popular science facts for students and kids.
  • The Sun is not smaller than the Earth. The Sun appears smaller in size from Earth because it is very far from it. However, It has a diameter of about 1,392,000 kilometres which is about 109 times that of the Earth.

Geography Facts for Kids

  • Rain doesn’t come from holes in clouds. We all once thought like that! Clouds always have water vapour and droplets, but these droplets or condensed water are too small to fall as rain. Due to the evaporation and condensation, the water droplets grow collision of the water bits grows. And when it is enough, the droplets fall from the cloud as rain. Don’t forget to tell this science fact to students.
  • The largest continent is Asia. Among the seven continents, Asia has the largest area. It also has the largest population among all. And, why not? India and China, the most populated countries, are part of Asia.
  • Every minute, the earth witnesses 2000 thunderstorms. An amazing yet scary science fact for kids. Yes, these scary thunderstorms are happening every minute at different places of the Earth.
  • Just as we recognize our relatives, plants also have this special ability to recognize theirs. They also give them special treatment. Another interesting plant fact here is that many people talk to their plants.

Biology Facts for Kids

sneezing facts of biology

  • Most of the dust in your home is dead skin! Yes, we always think it is due to the sand or other air particles, including your dead skin. These are among the science facts for students that will make them think and learn many things regarding their bodies.
  • Sneezing with your eyes open is impossible. This is something that kids can observe. When we tell this to kids, most of them start trying to sneeze at the same moment. These science facts for students and kids made them crazy, and you’ll see a smile on their faces too.
  • Humans are born with 300 bones. If your kid is interested in science, then they will probably know that we have 206 bones. If they know, then tell them that they are born with 300 bones. We all are born with 300 bones, but as time passes, some bones merge. So, when we grew older, we had a total of 206 bones.

Science facts about Physics and Chemistry

battery facts for students

  • Batteries don’t have electricity inside them. This may sound silly as an adult, and you may say, ‘who doesn’t know that?’ But this is a fact for children. A battery has chemical energy in it, and it is a chemical reaction that converts chemical energy into electricity.
  • Heat is energy. Yes! Heat is a form of energy. The atoms of a hot object and molecules have rapid movement, while colder objects are less excited and show less movement.
  • Objects don’t float in water because they’re lighter than water. An object floats over water when it weighs the same as or less than the weight of the water it displaces.

Facts About Space for your Child

amazing facts about science and technology for students

  • Humans become a little taller in space as no gravity pulls them down. This is an amazing science fact for students and kids, but first, you need to teach your kid a little bit about gravity. You can take the help of an apple as gravity is widely taught in this way.
  • Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are the planets where you can’t walk. These planets are made up of gases and don’t have a solid surface where we can stand. So, you’ll fly here and there but can’t land.
  • Moon does not have light. Kids see the Moon at night and think that the Moon has such a bright light. But that’s not the case. This is the light of the Sun that bounces off and reaches the Earth. The moonlight is actually the sunlight.

Food Facts for Kids

food facts for kids

  • Seeds of the strawberries are outside. They are unique in this way, and there is no discussion on their taste. An interesting science fact for students is that they even have 600 different varieties.
  • Sugar doesn’t cause cavities. The main culprit here is the bad bacteria present in our mouths. These bad bacteria love sugar and produce acid. And, this acid is the actual cause of cavities.
  • Milk makes your bones strong. An important food fact for kids that your child must know about. Milk has calcium in it that is proven for making our bones stronger and mighty.

History Facts for Kids

science facts for students and kids

  • Dinosaurs and cave dwellers did not live at the same time. An amazing science fact for students and kids that can amaze even elders. No one has seen dinosaurs alive as people never coexist with the dinosaurs. They are well separated concerning geologic time. Humans came 65 million years after dinosaurs.
  • Our Indian culture is the oldest. Amazing historical facts for kids that will inspire them to learn more about Indian culture and its beauty.
  • Walt Disney started sketching at the age of 4. We all have watched Mickey Mouse, and it’s his voice behind the most popular cartoon character. He is among those who made our childhood better.

Technology Facts

technology facts for students

Many children of today’s generation are Technology freaks! If your child is also one of them, they must ask some questions related to it. However, there are some interesting facts about science and technology, and you can tell them which we use every day.

  • The first home video game was developed in 1967. It was called a brown box then as it looked like one.
  • World’s first computer was ENIAC which weighed around 27 tonnes and occupied an entire hall.
  • The internet and the World Wide Web both are different things.
  • Although Leonardo Da Vinci sketched the plans to build a robot way back in 1495, Robotics is one of the fields that scientists are focusing on now.

Funny Facts of Science

  • The most difficult tongue twister in the English language is “Sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick”. Try it yourself.
  • Even a broken analogue clock shows the correct time at least twice a day.
  • The heart of a shrimp is in its head.
  • A snail can sleep for three years. This science fact for students and  kids amazes most of them as they think about how someone can sleep for three years. And, the funny part here is they even try to sleep more.

amazing facts about animals

How to Generate Interest in Science?

1. Playing Games

Apart from these amazing science facts for students and kids, games can be a great solution here. There are many games which you can buy for your kids. Playing quality games can increase their knowledge and interest in science. In addition, there are games for kids at school that can also improve their overall learning.

2. Nature Bond

amazing science facts for kids

To generate your kid’s interest in science, attach your kid with nature. There are so many interesting facts about science that students can learn by themselves. They’ll learn about different species and varieties of plants and animals.

3. Trip to Science Centre

Plan a trip to a science centre at the weekend. You might feel that science centres are boring, but actually, they are not. There are many more amazing science facts for students and kids that are available for your child.

Scientific knowledge is not only essential for your children but parents also. If you know it, you can answer your child with confidence. Moreover, you can create a bond of your child with the outside world entertaining them as there are many fun and exciting facts of science here in the world. Hope you liked these amazing science facts for students and kids. Let us know if you are interested to know more facts about science!

VSI Global School organize separate classes or workshops to teach children these amazing science facts

FAQs on Science Facts for Students and Kids

1. What are some interesting science facts that nobody knows?

  • The one letter that is not available in the periodic table is “J.”
  • Sometimes, you can freeze warm water faster than normal water.
  • Although a hippopotamus may seem huge, it can still run faster than a man.

2. Do you know who is known as the father of science?

Ans. 2 Galileo Galilei was named the father of science by Albert Einstein.

3. Do you know who is named as the king of science?

Ans. 3 The king of science is physics. This is also an amazing science fact for students. This is because physics is the basis of science.

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